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October 20, 2019
Revelation: Mature Look by Maurice A. Williams is a Biblical commentary on the book of Revelation. First and foremost let me start by saying I am not extremely big in to religion. I am open and willing to learning and discovering all the other variations of religion itself. I myself was brought up in my own Christian home. One thing I enjoy so much through this book is it is extremely easy to follow. Maurice definitely breaks everything down to perspective that any type of reader can actually read this and receive it. As most people know from the Bible the Book of Revelation discusses the end of times. This is a very good breakdown of how the Bible can be interpreted.
Another thing that I really love about the author of how he breaks down each scenario and different extremists and kind of like everything throughout time of how the has been interpreted how Christianity has been criticized different religions being criticized I really want to show just kind of a quote so you can come see his writing style and feel it because I think this book is actually extremely amazing and does offer a lot of Awakening Another extremist was Simon bar Giora, who defeated the XII Legion. Simon opposed the provisional government. He lost the political infighting and was forced to leave Jerusalem. He and his followers joined the Sicarri at Masada.
This other is extremely incredible and this is his writing style that is very straightforward no extreme flares or any exaggeration just very straightforward and I love this author for it.
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